Couple, Communication and Understanding, Crises and conflicts

Why did he unlock me but not talk to me?


by Vanessa Charles


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It is common to wonder why our ex has decided to unblock us on social networks, but still does not talk to us. There are several reasons for this behavior and we will try to list them in this article. Often, when we get unblocked by our ex, it means that he starts to have regrets and he starts to realize that he may have made a mistake by leaving us. This can be a first step towards a possible reconciliation. It is also possible that our ex simply wants to hurt us by showing us that he can unblock us whenever he wants, and that he is still in control of the situation. Either way, it's important not to rush into anything and not to react impulsively. It is better to wait and see how things develop and whether or not our ex decides to contact us.

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Determine the reasons for the blockage

Have you ever been blocked by someone on social networks, without any explanation? It can be extremely frustrating, especially if you don't know why you were blocked. Fortunately, there are a few ways to determine why you were blocked.

First, try to remember what you posted before you were blocked. If you posted something offensive or inappropriate, that could be the reason for the block. People can also be blocked if their behavior is deemed inappropriate, such as posting too frequently or being too intrusive.

It is also possible that you were blocked by mistake. If you think this is the case, try to contact the person who blocked you and ask them to unblock you. If the person doesn't respond or doesn't want to unblock you, it's unlikely that you'll be able to reconnect.

Finally, it is important to keep in mind that people have the right to choose who they want to communicate with. If someone no longer wants to communicate with you, it may be best to respect their choice and move on.

Why did he unblock you?

There are two possible reasons why he may have blocked you and not talked to you. The first is that he doesn't want to be in contact with you but doesn't want to hurt you by blocking you. The second reason is that he hopes you will talk to him and he will be able to talk to you again.

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Should you take the first step?

Should you take the first step?

There's a question many people ask when confronted with an ex who has decided to unblock them on social media, but still won't talk to them: should they make the first move? The answer may be simpler than you think.

Let's start by saying that, yes, it's entirely possible that after unblocking you, your ex simply changed his/her mind and decided not to talk to you anymore. This can happen for a variety of reasons, such as the fact that he/she has met someone else, is still angry with you, or is simply not ready to deal with what happened between you two.

However, there is also a good chance that your ex simply wants to give you some space and time to reflect on what happened. Maybe your relationship was intense and your ex needs to get over what happened before he or she can talk to you again. Or maybe your relationship was more superficial and your ex is just waiting for you to make the first move to show him or her that you are still interested.

So what should you do if you are in this situation? If you really want to know what your ex is thinking and feeling, there's only one thing to do: send him/her a message and ask them directly what's going on. It may seem intimidating, but it's the best way to find out what your ex really thinks. Plus, it will also give you the opportunity to show her/him that you are still interested in what's going on in her/his life and mind.

So, if you want to know what your ex really thinks after unblocking you on social media, the only thing to do is to send him a message and ask him directly what is going on.

Why does a man block and unblock?

A man may block a woman for different reasons. Sometimes he does it because he is not interested and does not want to give her false hope. In other cases, he may want to protect himself emotionally and end a relationship before it really begins. If a man is blocking a woman, it can be confusing and frustrating, especially if she doesn't know why he made the decision. Fortunately, there are some possible explanations for this behavior.

A man can block a woman because he is not interested.

If a man is blocking a woman, it may mean that he is not interested in her. He may have found someone else or simply not be ready to commit to a relationship. In this case, it is likely that the man has been clear about his intentions and the woman has chosen not to believe him. If a man says he is not interested or does not want to commit to a relationship, it is important to believe him. Ignoring these warnings can lead to unnecessary frustration.

A man may block a woman to protect himself emotionally.

Sometimes a man may block a woman because he is afraid to commit to a relationship. He may have been hurt in the past and doesn't want to risk being hurt again. This can be especially true if the man has had difficult relationships or if his ex-girlfriend has hurt him. In this case, it is important to respect the man's feelings and not try to force him into a relationship before he is ready.

The title of this article poses a question that is difficult to answer with certainty. It is possible that this person unblocked the author of the article so that they could talk to him, but it is also possible that they simply forgot to block him. In either case, it would be prudent to ask the person directly what they are planning to do, to avoid misinterpretation.


1. Why did he unlock me but not talk to me?

There are two possibilities, either he is still angry with you and does not want to talk to you, or he is trying to make you understand something. In the first case, it is better to let some time pass before talking to him again, in the second case, you should try to talk to him to find out what is going on.

2. Does this mean that he is no longer angry with me?

Not necessarily, he may have simply decided to unblock you to give you a chance to talk to him and work out your differences. If you haven't had a conversation in a while, he may also have forgotten what you were arguing about.

3. Should I talk to her directly or send her a message?

It depends on your relationship and what you had the argument about. If it's a minor argument, a message might be enough, but if it's something more serious, you might want to consider talking to her directly to resolve the issue.

4. Should I ask him what is going on or try to guess?

In most cases, it is better to ask the person directly what is going on rather than trying to guess. This will show that you are willing to talk and work things out instead of trying to play guessing games.

5. What do I do if he still refuses to talk to me?

If he still refuses to talk to you, there is little you can do. If you're in a relationship, you can try writing a letter or sending a message to explain how you feel and why you want to work things out. If you are friends, you can try talking to him in person or sending him a message to see if he is willing to talk.

Vanessa Charles

A (very) close friend of Cupid and a true lover of relationships of all kinds, I am the main editor of Give Me Date. I answer your questions about couples, sexuality and dating and I test dating sites to give you a subjective opinion on how to find love or meet new people.

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