Couple, Couple Life

My boyfriend/girlfriend prefers his friends to me: what can I do?


by Vanessa Charles


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Although it may be hard to hear, it is possible that your boyfriend or girlfriend prefers his or her friends to you. There are many reasons for this, and there are many ways to deal with it. In fact, it is important to react if you realize that your partner spends more time with friends than with you. If you don't, it may drive you apart and damage your relationship.

Why does my boyfriend/girlfriend prefer his friends to me?

Have you ever felt that your boyfriend/girlfriend prefers his friends to you? If so, you are not alone. This happens often in relationships. There are several possible reasons why your partner might prefer his or her friends.

Friends influence your relationship 

It is important to remember that friends have been there even before you were together. It is therefore normal that your partner has a very strong link with them.

The first thing to do is to communicate with your partner. Talk to him/her about how you feel and ask how he/she feels about it. It is important to remember that theeople are not always aware of how they treat others. If your partner doesn't realize how bad you feel He/she may not know what to do about it.

Tips for creating more balance 

There are some things you can do to try to create more balance in your relationship. For example, you can try to :

  • plan activities together
  • find common interests
  • spend more time alone with your partner doing activities you both enjoy.

Just because he/she spends time with friends doesn't mean he/she doesn't care about you. People have need to have some balance in their lives and it is normal they need to spend time with their friends.

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Is it just an impression or a reality?

It is often difficult to know if our boyfriend or girlfriend prefers their friends to us. Is it just a feeling or a reality? There are a few signs that do not deceive and that can help us to see more clearly: 

  • If your boyfriend or girlfriend spends more time with friends than with youThis is probably a sign that they prefer them.
  • If your boyfriend or girlfriend never talks about or introduces you to his friends, it's probably because he or she doesn't want you to be part of his or her circle of friends.  
  • If your boyfriend or girlfriend always seems to take the advice of friends rather than your ownIt can also be a sign that they prefer them to you.

If you notice one or more of these signs Your boyfriend or girlfriend probably prefers his or her friends to you.

It may be that it is just an impression and your boyfriend or girlfriend simply wants to keep his or her friendships separate from his or her love relationship.
But it may also be a reality and that your boyfriend or girlfriend really has difficulties in choosing between friendships and romantic relationships.


Should you choose between your friends or your boyfriend/girlfriend?

It is always difficult to manage relationships between friends and girlfriends. There is a choice to be made between the two and it is not always clear what to do. If your boyfriend/girlfriend prefers his friends to you, there are some things you can do to try to solve the problem.


It is important to communicate with your boyfriend/girlfriend. Talk about how you feel and try to find common ground for you to spend of the time between you

Differentiate between friend and boyfriend

Friends can be a important part of someone's lifeBut they shouldn't be the only thing that matters. If your boyfriend/girlfriend spends more time with his/her friends than with you, it's time to let him know that you need more attention.

Jealousy: a bad fault...

Don't be jealous of your boyfriend/girlfriend's friends. Jealousy can be a normal feeling, but it can also be very dangerous. destructive, especially in a couple.


Should I tell him that it pains me that he spends more time with his friends than with me?

It is normal that when you are in a relationship, you want to spend as much time as possible with your partner. However, it is also normal that each of us needs to do activities outside the couple and to keep our circle of friends.

If your boyfriend or girlfriend spends more time with their friends than with you, it does not necessarily mean that he or she loves you less.

It is important to respect each other's personal space and not to be too possessive. If you are worried or sad about the situation, it is possible to talk about it calmly with your partner to express your feelings.


What should I do if my boyfriend/girlfriend prefers his friends to me?

It is important to take a step back and not try to change your boyfriend/girlfriend. If you're in a relationship, it means you have a chemistry and get along, but it doesn't mean you have to spend all your time together. It's okay to have your own space and activities.

How to reconcile love and friendship?

Balancing love and friendship requires open communication and respect for each other's needs. It is important to spend quality time with your friends and partner while setting clear boundaries. Encouraging relationships between them can help create a harmonious balance.

What if my boyfriend/girlfriend tells me that he/she prefers his/her friends to me?

If your boyfriend/girlfriend tells you that he/she prefers his/her friends, it is important not to take this personally. Just because he/she likes his/her friends better does not mean that you are not important to him/her. You can try asking him/her what he/she likes about his/her friends and what he/she would like you to do to be closer to him/her.

How can I get my boyfriend/girlfriend to spend more time with me?

You can try to suggest activities that interest both of you, or organize group outings with your respective friends. It is important not to force your boyfriend/girlfriend to spend time with you, as this can have the opposite effect and he/she may avoid you even more.

What happens if my boyfriend/girlfriend refuses to spend time with me?

If your boyfriend/girlfriend is adamant about not spending time with you, there may be a deeper problem. He/she may not be happy with the relationship and may be looking to end the relationship. In this case, it is important to talk openly about it to see what is wrong and try to find a solution together.

Vanessa Charles

A (very) close friend of Cupid and a true lover of relationships of all kinds, I am the main editor of Give Me Date. I answer your questions about couples, sexuality and dating and I test dating sites to give you a subjective opinion on how to find love or meet new people.

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