Elite Rencontre, Attractive World, Dating site comparisons

Elite Rencontre or Attractive World: Battle of the Elites


by Vanessa Charles


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eliterencontre attractiveworld comparison

To remember: Elite Rencontre vs Attractive World

Elite Rencontre and Attractive World target slightly different audiences and offer unique experiences. Elite Rencontre attracts an older audience (35-55), often professionally established and looking for serious relationships.
Attractive World targets a younger age group (27-45), with highly qualified and demanding individuals. Elite Rencontre relies on a personality test to suggest compatible profiles, while Attractive World uses a member voting system for admission, creating an exclusive community.
Elite Rencontre has slightly more affordable long-term rates, but Attractive World offers more flexibility in subscription options.

When it comes to choosing between Elite Rencontre and Attractive World, the major differences lie in target demographics, matching methods, and pricing structure.
In this comparison, we'll explore these aspects in detail to help you determine which site will best suit your online dating needs.

Elite Rencontre vs Attractive World

CriteriaElite RencontreAttractive WorldDifference
Demographics and target audience35-55 years, professionals27-45 years old, university graduatesAge group and level of education
Features and InterfacePersonality test for matchesAdmission based on member voteMatching method
Cost and subscriptionsTapering rates (€20-€39.90/month)Flexible rates (€39.90-€79.90/month)Pricing structure
Security & PrivacyVerified profiles, confidentialityRigorous selection process, confidentialityInput filter level
Matching efficiencyCompatibility algorithmsCommunity selectionMatching mechanism
User ExperienceIntuitive interface, daily suggestionsIntuitive interface, event organizationUser-friendly and functional
Support and Additional ServicesStandard customer supportMember eventsAdditional services
Diversity and InclusivenessBalanced representationExclusive communityDiverse user base
Testimonials and success storiesSuccess stories availableUser reviews availableUser feedback
User base and ActivityLarge user base, high activityActive and selective communityCommunity size and activity

Differences between Elite Rencontre and Attractive World

The main differences between Elite Rencontre and Attractive World lie in their matching methods and target audiences. Elite Rencontre relies on personality tests to create compatible matches, targeting an older, professionally established population. Attractive World, on the other hand, relies on a system of member voting for admission, targeting a younger, highly qualified audience.

Should I choose Elite Rencontre or Attractive World?

The choice between Elite Rencontre and Attractive World will depend very much on your personal preferences and what you're looking for in a relationship. If you prefer a matching process based on psychological compatibility and are in a more mature age bracket, Elite Rencontre is a wise choice. On the other hand, if you're looking for a more exclusive experience with young, dynamic individuals, Attractive World might be more suitable, especially if you appreciate the community aspect and the events organized by the site.

Subscription price comparison

Elite RencontreAttractive World
39.90/month (3 months)79.90/month (1 month)
29.90/month (6 months)59.90/month (3 months)
20.00/month (12 months)39.90/month (6 months)

Prices show that Elite Rencontre offers cheaper rates over longer periods, while Attractive World has more flexible subscription options, but at higher prices.

Demographics and target audience

Elite Rencontre mainly attracts users between the ages of 35 and 55, often professionals and divorcees looking to rebuild their lives. Attractive World, on the other hand, targets a younger audience (27-45), mainly university graduates, looking for serious relationships with like-minded individuals.

Features and Interface

Elite Rencontre relies on an in-depth personality test to suggest compatible profiles, offering a comprehensive, easy-to-use interface. Attractive World, with its admission process based on member voting, also offers an intuitive interface and organizes events for its members, encouraging real-life encounters.

Cost and subscriptions

Elite Rencontre offers sliding-scale rates, from €20 to €39.90 per month, making subscriptions more affordable over longer periods. Attractive World, meanwhile, offers flexible subscription options, but at higher costs, ranging from €39.90 to €79.90 per month.

Security & Privacy

Both platforms guarantee user security and confidentiality. Elite Rencontre offers verified profiles without strict selection at registration, while Attractive World uses a selection process at entry, ensuring a certain quality and compatibility within its community.

Matching efficiency

Elite Rencontre uses algorithms based on psychological compatibility, while Attractive World relies on community selection to ensure the admission of new members. This creates different but effective matching dynamics on both platforms.

User Experience

The user experience on Elite Rencontre is centered around daily suggestions of compatible profiles, making it easy to get in touch. Attractive World, with its system of favorites and organized events, offers a more community-based and interactive experience.

Support and Additional Services

While Elite Rencontre provides standard customer support, Attractive World sets itself apart by organizing events for its members, offering a richer, more diverse experience.

Diversity and Inclusiveness

Elite Rencontre has a balanced diversity in its user base. Attractive World, due to its selection process, has a more exclusive community, which could limit diversity.

Testimonials and success stories

Both sites feature testimonials and success stories, reflecting the effectiveness of their services in building lasting relationships.

User base and Activity

Elite Rencontre benefits from a large active user base, while Attractive World, although more selective, maintains an active and engaged community.

Similarities between Elite Rencontre and Attractive World

  1. Security & Privacy : Both sites attach great importance to the security and confidentiality of their users' data.
  2. Orientation to Serious Relationships: Elite Rencontre and Attractive World target individuals looking for serious, long-lasting relationships.
  3. Quality User Experience : Both platforms offer an intuitive, user-friendly experience, with well-designed interfaces.

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Vanessa Charles

A (very) close friend of Cupid and a true lover of relationships of all kinds, I am the main editor of Give Me Date. I answer your questions about couples, sexuality and dating and I test dating sites to give you a subjective opinion on how to find love or meet new people.

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