Elite Rencontre, Dating site comparisons

Elite Rencontre or Parship: Who Dominates the Top Range?


by Vanessa Charles


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eliterenconctre parship comparative

To remember: Elite Rencontre vs Parship

  • Demographics : Elite Rencontre targets singles with a high level of education, mostly executives, while Parship focuses on high-income individuals, with an older community (75% over 35).
  • Matching algorithmElite Rencontre uses the Big Five model, based on 280 questions, while Parship uses its own model developed by researchers, with 80 questions focusing on personality, habits and interests.
  • Features : Basic functionality is similar on both sites. Parship offers all compatible profiles at once, unlike Elite Rencontre, which offers them gradually.
  • Rates : Elite Rencontre subscriptions range from 1 to 12 months, while Parship offers longer commitments (6, 12 or 24 months), generally at slightly lower rates.

Let's compare Elite Rencontre and Parship, two high-end dating platforms distinguished by their targeted demographics, unique matching systems and pricing structures. Let's discover their differences and particularities.

Elite Rencontre vs Parship comparison

CriteriaElite RencontreParshipDifference
Demographics and target audienceSingle people with a high level of education, mainly executivesHigh-income earners, 75% over 35 years oldTarget audience and age groups
Features and InterfaceGradually offer compatible profilesOffers all compatible profiles at onceProfile presentation approach
Cost and subscriptions1 to 12 months, variable rates6 to 24 months, generally less expensiveSubscription duration and cost
Security & PrivacyConfirmation by e-mail, no ID checkConfirmation by e-mail, ID-Check optionProfile verification methods
Matching efficiencyBig Five model, 280 questionsParship template, 80 questionsSystem and matching complexity
User ExperienceIntuitive interface, "Play it your way" functionalityUser-friendly interface, "Contact GuaranteeNavigation and interaction experience
Support and Additional ServicesStandard supportStandard supportEquivalents
Diversity and InclusivenessNot specifiedNot specifiedEquivalents
Testimonials and success storiesNot specifiedNot specifiedEquivalents
User base and ActivityNot specifiedNot specifiedEquivalents

Differences between Elite Rencontre and Parship

The main differences between Elite Rencontre and Parship lie in their target audiences, their matching algorithms, the way they propose compatible profiles, and the structure of their subscriptions.

Should I choose Elite Rencontre or Parship?

The choice between Elite Rencontre and Parship depends on your personal criteria:

  • Elite Rencontre is ideal if you're a highly educated executive looking for similar singles. Its progressive method of presenting profiles encourages a thoughtful approach.
  • Parship convient mieux si vous avez des revenus élevés et cherchez une relation sérieuse, surtout si vous êtes d’une tranche d’âge plus mûre. Son approche globale dans la présentation des profils offre plus de choix d’emblée.

Subscription price comparison

Elite RencontreParship
1 month: €696 months: €39.90/month
3 months: €45/month12 months: €19.90/month
6 months: €32/month24 months: €14.90/month
12 months: €19.90/month- Not available

Demographics and target audience : 

Elite Rencontre targets executives, while Parship focuses on high-income earners and an older audience.

Features and Interface :

 Elite Rencontre offers profiles as they come in, unlike Parship, which offers all compatible profiles simultaneously.

Cost and subscriptions :

Parship offers longer subscriptions that are generally less expensive.

Security & Privacy :

 Both offer security measures, with an additional identity verification option at Parship.

Matching efficiency

The matching algorithms differ, with Elite Rencontre based on the Big Five model and Parship on its own system developed by researchers.

User experience :

The interfaces are similar, but with distinct functionalities to encourage meetings.

Support and Additional Services : 

Standard support for both.

Diversity and Inclusiveness: 

Not specified.

Testimonials and Success Stories : 

Not specified.

User base and activity : 

Not specified.

In conclusion, your choice between Elite Rencontre and Parship should be based on your preferences in terms of target demographic, matching method, profile presentation and subscription duration.

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Vanessa Charles

A (very) close friend of Cupid and a true lover of relationships of all kinds, I am the main editor of Give Me Date. I answer your questions about couples, sexuality and dating and I test dating sites to give you a subjective opinion on how to find love or meet new people.

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