Elite Rencontre, Dating site comparisons, eDarling

eDarling or Elite Rencontre : The Quest for Elitist Love


by Vanessa Charles


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edarling eliterencontre comparative

To remember: eDarling vs Elite Rencontre

eDarling and Elite Rencontre, although belonging to the same Spark Networks group, have significant differences. eDarling, with a slightly younger audience and more affordable rates, attracts a wider audience. Elite Rencontre, positioned as more elitist, targets more successful graduates and professionals. Elite Rencontre's user base and activity are significantly higher, with seven times more monthly traffic than eDarling.
These differences are reflected in the rates: eDarling offers subscriptions ranging from €15 to €35 per month, while Elite Rencontre varies from €24.90 to €99.90 per month.

Let's compare eDarling and Elite Rencontre, two popular online dating platforms. These sites belong to the same group, but target slightly different audiences. So, which site is right for you? Let's explore their main features and differences to help you choose.

eDarling vs Elite Rencontre comparison

CriteriaeDarlingElite RencontreDifference
Demographics and target audienceSlightly younger audienceGraduates and professionalsElite Rencontre targets a more elitist audience
Features and InterfaceDesign and features similar to Elite RencontreSame as eDarlingSame options available
Cost and subscriptionsFrom €15 to €35/monthFrom €24.90 to €99.90/monthElite Rencontre is generally more expensive
Security & PrivacyStandard safety measuresMeasures similar to eDarlingComparable level of safety
Matching efficiencyGood matching algorithmSimilar to eDarlingComparable performance
User ExperienceUser-friendly interfaceSame as eDarlingSimilar user experience
Support and Additional ServicesStandard customer supportOffers similar to eDarlingSimilar support services
Diversity and InclusivenessGood community representationSimilar to eDarlingComparable commitment to diversity
Testimonials and success storiesFewer comments than Elite RencontreMore testimonials and reviewsElite Rencontre gets more user feedback
User base and ActivityLess monthly traffic7 times more traffic than eDarlingElite Rencontre has a more active user base

Differences between eDarling and Elite Rencontre

The main differences between eDarling and Elite Rencontre lie in their target audiences and traffic levels. eDarling has a slightly more generalist approach, while Elite Rencontre targets a more elitist and professional audience. Elite Rencontre also benefits from a much larger user base, with seven times more monthly traffic than eDarling.

Should I choose eDarling or Elite Rencontre?

Your choice between eDarling and Elite Rencontre will depend on your expectations and your budget. If you're looking for a more affordable experience that's open to a wide audience, eDarling is a great option. On the other hand, if you prefer a site that specifically targets graduates and professionals, and cost isn't an obstacle, Elite Rencontre might be more appropriate. Bear in mind that Elite Rencontre has a more active user base, which could increase your chances of finding a compatible partner.

Subscription price comparison

eDarlingElite Rencontre
1 month : Not available99,90 €
3 months: €105 (€35/month)179.70 (€59.90/month)
6 months: €150 (€25/month)239.40 (€39.90/month)
12 months: €180 (€15/month)298.80 (€24.90/month)

Rates are updated in 2023.

Demographics and target audience

Demographics and target audience are similar for eDarling and Elite Rencontre, with Elite Rencontre's slight inclination towards a more elitist and professional audience. Both sites claim to have 85% members with a high level of education, although Elite Rencontre seems to attract more graduates and successful professionals.

Features and Interface

The functionality and interface of the two sites are virtually identical, reflecting their membership of the same group, Spark Networks. Users can therefore expect a similar user experience on both platforms, with comparable messaging, profile and interaction options.

Cost and subscriptions

The cost of subscriptions differs considerably between the two sites. eDarling offers more affordable options, with rates ranging from €15 to €35 per month. Elite Rencontre, on the other hand, is positioned in a higher price bracket, ranging from €24.90 to €99.90 per month. This price difference underlines Elite Rencontre's more elitist position.

Security & Privacy

In terms of security and confidentiality, both sites offer a comparable level of protection. They implement standard security measures to protect user data and ensure the confidentiality of personal information.

Matching efficiency

The efficiency of the matching system is similar on eDarling and Elite Rencontre, both using advanced algorithms to connect users based on their preferences and compatibility.

User Experience

The user experience on eDarling and Elite Rencontre is very similar, due to their common user interface and ease of use. Both sites offer a simple registration process and intuitive navigation.

Support and Additional Services

Both sites offer identical customer support services, although there may be differences in the additional services offered, such as advice from dating coaches or in-person events.

Diversity and Inclusiveness

eDarling and Elite Rencontre are committed to representing diverse communities and offering an inclusive platform. However, differences in their target audiences can influence the degree of diversity and inclusivity on each site.

Testimonials and success stories

Although both sites receive success stories, Elite Rencontre has a greater number of user returns, reflecting its larger user base and greater activity.

User base and Activity

Elite Rencontre boasts a much larger user base and business than eDarling, with seven times more monthly traffic.
This difference means that Elite Rencontre users can have more opportunities to meet interesting profiles.

Similarities between eDarling and Elite Rencontre

  • Group and Design : Both sites belong to the Spark Networks group and share a similar design and functionality.
  • Demographics : They target similar age groups, although Elite Rencontre tends to attract a more elitist audience.
  • Approach : Both sites are designed for people looking for serious, lasting relationships.

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Vanessa Charles

A (very) close friend of Cupid and a true lover of relationships of all kinds, I am the main editor of Give Me Date. I answer your questions about couples, sexuality and dating and I test dating sites to give you a subjective opinion on how to find love or meet new people.

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