eDarling, Dating site comparisons

eDarling or Parship : Analysis to Find Love


by Vanessa Charles


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edarling parship comparison

To remember: eDarling vs Parship

eDarling and Parship are both serious dating platforms, but they differ in their demographics and pricing.
Parship is preferred for serious relationships in Switzerland, with higher user activity and a broader base.
It attracts a more elite audience, with higher incomes and academic backgrounds, while eDarling is more accessible and attracts people from all walks of life. Parship subscriptions are more expensive, while eDarling offers slightly cheaper options.

Today, we're comparing eDarling and Parship, two giants in the world of online dating. They both aim to establish serious relationships, but have notable differences in their demographics, targets and pricing structures.

eDarling vs Parship comparison

Demographics and target audienceDiverse usersElite audienceeDarling is more diversified
Features and InterfaceUser-friendly interfaceSerious interfaceParship puts the emphasis on profile detail
Cost and subscriptionsMore affordable ratesHigher ratesParship is more expensive
Security & PrivacyHigh safety standardsID Check and seriousParship offers an ID Check for greater security
Matching efficiencyGood matchingVery good matchingParship has better matching efficiency
User ExperienceA pleasant experienceTargeted experienceParship offers a more in-depth experience
Support and Additional ServicesStandard customer serviceMore in-depth customer serviceParship offers more comprehensive support
Diversity and InclusivenessGood diversityLess diversifiedeDarling is more inclusive
Testimonials and success storiesGood reviewsExcellent reviewsParship has more positive testimonials
User base and ActivityHigh activityVery activeParship has a more active user base

Differences between eDarling and Parship

The main differences lie in their target audience and matching efficiency. Parship is distinguished by a more selective audience and a very active user base, offering greater chances of finding a compatible partner. eDarlingon the other hand, is more affordable and attracts a wider audience.

Should I choose eDarling or Parship?

The choice depends on your personal online dating needs. If you're looking for a platform with a wide range of users and more affordable rates, eDarling may be a better choice.
However, if you're willing to invest more for a more focused experience and increased chances of finding a serious, compatible partner, Parship is probably more suited to your expectations.

Subscription price comparison

1 mois – 100€1 mois – 69,90€
3 mois – 60€/mois3 mois – Non disponible
6 mois – 45€/mois6 mois – 69,90€/mois
12 mois – 32€/mois12 mois – 52,90€/mois

eDarling offers slightly more affordable rates, especially for long-term commitments.
Parship, although more expensive, offers excellent value for money thanks to its efficient matching and enhanced security.

Demographics and target audience

eDarling is designed for a diverse audience, welcoming users from all walks of life, while Parship targets a more elite group, attracting singles with higher levels of education and income.
This is reflected in the diversity of the members and the approach of each platform.

Features and Interface

While eDarling offers a user-friendly, easy-to-navigate interface, Parship focuses on more detailed profiles and a more thorough registration process, including a comprehensive personality test.
Parship therefore targets a more committed audience in the partner search process.

Cost and subscriptions

eDarling is positioned as a more affordable option, with less expensive subscriptions, especially for long-term commitments.
Parship, although more expensive, justifies its prices with better matching quality and greater security.

Security & Privacy

Both platforms take security and confidentiality very seriously. Parship stands out with its identity verification option, offering an extra layer of security.
eDarling, on the other hand, focuses on a detailed personality test to prevent false registrations.

Matching efficiency

Parship excels in the efficiency of its matching system, using multiple dimensions of personality to suggest compatible partners. eDarling, although efficient, is slightly less targeted in its matching approach.

User Experience

Parship offers a more focused and in-depth user experience, tailored to those who take partner search seriously.
eDarling, with its simpler interface, is more accessible to users who prefer a less intensive experience.

Support and Additional Services

While both sites offer good customer support, Parship offers more comprehensive additional services, including advice and assistance. eDarling, while providing adequate support, is less oriented towards additional services.

Diversity and Inclusiveness

eDarling stands out for the greater diversity of its user base, attracting singles from diverse backgrounds.
Parship, with its more elite positioning, attracts a more homogeneous audience.

Testimonials and success stories

Parship has a solid reputation, with many positive testimonials, thanks to its efficiency and the quality of its members.
eDarling, while also receiving good reviews, is a little less recognized for its success stories.

User base and Activity

Parship has a very active user base, which increases the chances of finding a compatible partner. eDarling, while having solid user activity, is slightly behind Parship in terms of activity and user base size.

Similarities between eDarling and Parship

  • Serious Relationship Orientation: Both platforms focus on building serious, lasting relationships, rather than casual encounters or fleeting flings.
  • Compatibility-based approach: eDarling and Parship both use personality tests to improve the chances of compatibility between members, aiming to create meaningful, long-lasting matches.
  • Commitment to Security and Privacy: Both sites focus on user security, offering various measures to protect the identity and personal information of their members.

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Vanessa Charles

A (very) close friend of Cupid and a true lover of relationships of all kinds, I am the main editor of Give Me Date. I answer your questions about couples, sexuality and dating and I test dating sites to give you a subjective opinion on how to find love or meet new people.

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